Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Recap!


I had a great time at the Art Star Craft Bazaar and want to extend a huge thanks to Terri, Brynn, Jenny and Justin for all the help! It was so great to meet everyone and to talk about the space. Seeing people get excited about what we are doing has been the best part of this whole journey for me so this weekend was especially great. Here are some photos from the weekend...

Both days included waking Olivia up too early to load her into "Daddy's truck", the box truck Justin uses for work, because our car has been in the shop since Friday.
 Baby in a big truck...

We had a great view at the top and were close to the music which was nice (except for that one guy who sang "Like a Prayer" and a whole bunch of strange other things that I still don't quite understand...)

The kids drew/pressed forms into a sheet of clay, which we then cast in plaster...

Plaster casting...

Olivia playing with clay...

These girls were all about some sculpture!

We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful weekend!

Hope everyone had a happy Mother's Day!!!!

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